How Michael Jordan became the world’s RICHEST athlete

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McCloskey said of the above image: ‘You got a good cross section of a whole bunch of cars coming at you – new ones and yachtsman deck shoes old ones. There’s even a bus coming down the boulevard. That boulevard was busy on a Wednesday night’ Americans’ love affair with the automobile began in earnest after World War II. After the Great Depression and the war, people wanted new cars during the booming economy of the 1950s. During the war, companies like Chrysler and General Motors stopped manufacturing cars and navigator deck shoes navigator deck shoes deck shoes online turned to defense work.

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One major factor was the decade’s two oil crises – one in 1973 and ’79 – and gas was more expensive, especially for yachtsman deck shoes windward deck shoes san diego deck shoes big-engine muscle cars. This would led to a car culture change as Americans turned to Japanese models and fuel-efficient vehicles. There were a number of reasons why cruising eventually tapered off, McCloskey said.

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He went on to sign a five-year contract worth $500,000 a year – three times more than any other NBA deal at the time – but it was the development of the ‘Air Jordan’ shoe which proved to be a game-changer.

His rise to the top of the game – he was named the league’s MVP in 1988 – coincided with an improved deal, riviera deck shoes but it wasn’t until the end of his time in the Windy City that his talent was recognised in his salary.

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After being paid $3.85m for cutter deck shoes his first full year back in action, navigator deck shoes Jordan’s salary went through the roof during his 12th season in Chicago. Having won four NBA titles and four MVP awards, mens boat shoes he finally became the best-paid player in the league on $30.1m a year. 

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They would be lined up on two streets waiting to get… car hop service.’  ‘At the time, Bob’s Big Boy was – it was the place,’ McCloskey said. ‘Cars would line up on Wednesday night and Friday night and ladies deck shoes Saturday night.

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