Inside Shelley Craft’s renovated 1950s beach shack in Byron Bay

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Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu was tested for the virus after returning from Syria this week, Russia’s TASS news agency reported on Tuesday. (Reporting by Yoruk Isik in Istanbul, writing by Maria Tsvetkova in Moscow Editing by Andrew Osborn and Gareth Jones)

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Several of the dead have been health care workers, including Kious Kelly, an assistant nurse manager in the emergency room at Mount Sinai West Hospital, who died March 24 after becoming infected with the virus.

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John Gallagher volunteered to work at hospitals near his home at the Ohio border a few months after retiring at age 65. He said the danger of contracting the coronavirus himself and spreading it to loved ones left him “terrified.”

And recruitment is happening at the federal level too, where the Army and the Department of Veterans Affairs have reached out. Similar recruiting efforts are underway in other states preparing for waves of patients, including California, Washington, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Oregon, Virginia, New Jersey, North Dakota and Washington D.C.

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Nurses are being offered up to $100 per hour plus food and lodging to fill over 5,000 openings in hospital intensive care units and emergency rooms, said Michael Fazio, whose company, Prime Staffing, has recruited over 250 workers to New York hospitals in recent weeks.

Ramos, of Cape Coral, Florida, is staying with her family in Patterson while she works as a nurse at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Ramos is one of an army of health care workers that heeded New York’s call for help reinforcing hospitals overwhelmed by the coronavirus pandemic. This undated photo shows Katherine Ramos, right, with her 4-year-old daughter Victoria Ramos at their home in Patterson, N.Y.

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