LinkedIn – How To Keep Group Conversations Flowing

It is the leading social network for business professionals.

o All Fortune 500 companies are represented on LinkedIn. In addition, thousand’s of medium and small companies represented too.

o LinkedIn usage had been increasing yearly by over 500%.

o One hundred and thirty different industries are represented on LinkedIn.

o Over 150 countries around the world have LinkedIn members including all major industrial companies.

o Over 90,000 of LinkedIn members are chief executive officers and over half a million occupy other jobs at the C-level.

o Many notable people are among LinkedIn members including President Barak Obama.

o Perhaps as many as 90% of all employers utilize LinkedIn to recruit and vet potential employees.

There are many social networks sites. But no doubt, the most prominent business networking site today is LinkedIn. It provides an immeasurable opportunity to enhance your networking success. It is simple and it’s free. Further, being a LinkedIn member will provide you a Google presence. Your Google page rank for LinkedIn will be high: generally your LinkedIn profile will be within the first five Google hits. (Note: To have a Google presence, you will need to select the “full view” LinkedIn feature. Your page rank can be further increased by having a customized URL, i.e., your own name thereby replacing the standard URL automatically provided by LinkedIn.)

To begin networking with LinkedIn, you will first need to build your profile. Your profile needs to be complete and have substance. Spend the time; a poor or sparse LinkedIn profile is worse than none at all. And it is important that your LinkedIn profile uses correctly spelled words, is grammatically correct, and contains no capitalization and punctuation errors. Optimize your profile – Make sure it represents the way you want to be viewed by strangers. And once you have completed your profile, you will want to fully utilize all the features offered by LinkedIn. Doing so will enhance your networking experience.

In building your profile keep in mind:

(1) Your Headline — It matters. It is what people see first when they visit your profile.

(2) Your Summary – You want summary to peak a reader’s interest and want them to “read more.”

(3) Work Experience – Include details like dates, the actual names of the companies you have worked for and venture capital (click through the following page) excellent descriptions of your jobs.

Having a good profile will enhance your connectability. People will more likely to find you.

After compiling your profile and to maximize your LinkedIn networking experience, you will want to start using the features provided by LinkedIn. First and most importantly, you will need to establish numerous and many connections. People with more than 25 connections are four times more likely to be approached by others. The average LinkedIn member has about 60 connections. Beat the average! Your visualability will increase as you acquire more connections.

Secondly, you will want to join LinkedIn groups. There are thousands of LinkedIn groups to join. Begin with school and employer/company alumni groups. Joining alumni groups provides an opportunity to network with others with the same backgrounds. Next add business association and interest groups. Joining these types of groups provides an opportunity to network with others with the same work backgrounds and interests. Despite LinkedIn limiting membership to 50 groups, sufficient opportunity still exists for robust networking with utilization of the groups feature. Further, your experience with the groups feature will be enhanced by participation, e.g., posting, responding to postings, group activities, connecting to other group members, etc.

You should also participate in the LinkedIn question and answer feature. Ask for advice. This will also increase your visualability and result in new connections. If you ask questions, remember it is important to your networking efforts to respond to every comment.

Another valuable LinkedIn feature is the recommendation feature. Ask people for recommendations. And voluntarily provide recommendations to others. They are powerful. Recommendations let people know you are a good resource and a valued professional in your field.

Lastly, search companies and their employees. Ask to connect to those who could be a good member of your network. These contacts and the company information can be useful for sales and marketing efforts, job search efforts, etc.

These are just some of the LinkedIn features. As you become proficient LinkedIn user you will discover other features to utilize that expands your networking success.

While on line networking and LinkedIn should only be one element of your networking efforts, it is essential in today’s world. It is necessary to be a successful networker. Following these simple suggestions will get you off to a good start. So build a great profile, fully utilize the LinkedIn features and make LinkedIn a regular part of your networking activities.

