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Cruising really took off during the postwar economic boom in the 1950s and lasted until about 1980, deck shoes sale according to McCloskey. Above, a Pontiac that has been customized with a groovy paint job. (During the 1940s, there was some cruising but it wasn’t widespread.) For san diego deck shoes decades, freemantle deck shoes young people worked on their cars in their garages and then showed them off while driving down the strip. ‘In the meantime, coolers deck shoes I’m photographing his car and his girlfriend,’ he said. McCloskey recalled the car’s owner was off to the side getting a ticket. There were also specific spots where people parked and freemantle coolers deck shoes bahamas deck shoes hung out. ‘She was used to having her photograph taken with this car’

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They would be lined up on two streets waiting to get… car hop service.’ Later on, it was June Ellen’s Donuts. While Van Nuys Boulevard was the place for cruising, throughout the years there were different locations where teens would park and hang out. Above, a young woman smiles while she and her friend hang out on the side of the road When McCloskey was in junior san diego deck shoes high school, san diego deck shoes the spot was Bob’s Big Boy. He told ‘Cars would line up on Wednesday night and mens boat shoes Friday night and Saturday night.

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It was really a thing for everybody to be involved at some point,’ Rick McCloskey, a photographer, told   ‘Every town in America had a strip where kids would take their cars and go hang out whether it was only a block long – big towns, little towns, cities.

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